Player/Parent conduct

Player conduct

I pledge to be responsible for my participation by following the Player Code of Conduct of Vegas Warriors VBC:

• I will refrain from using tobacco products, alcohol or illegal substances at any time. I understand that Vegas Warriors VBC maintains a no tolerance policy for athletes and that use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal substances is grounds for immediate dismissal from the club.

• I understand that playing time is earned, not guaranteed. I understand that all players will be given equal opportunity and instruction to earn their position, but it is up to me to put forth the effort. I understand that I must earn my position and time on the court by showing the will to compete, the desire to support my teammates on the floor, and the heart to do whatever it takes to give everything I have in practices and matches.

• I agree to practice good sportsmanship at all times, to win without boasting, lose without excuse and never quit.

• I agree to attend and participate in all scheduled games and practices.
I agree to be aware of safety and will follow team and league rules to ensure safe play.
• I agree to my coaches' authority and will participate and communicate positively with my coach and teammates.

• I agree to treat fellow players, opponents, fans and referees with respect.

• I agree to exercise self-control at all times, refraining from foul language and setting a positive example for others to follow.

• I agree to support and encourage my teammates, and to always try my best to keep a positive attitude. I will not speak about my teammates, coaches or club in a derogatory manner.

• I will respect my teammates and will refrain from criticizing anyone on or off the court. I will not post any words or images on social media that can be construed as negative, defaming or hurtful about my teammates, coaches, club, club members or opponents.

• I will remain positive. If I have concerns or problems, I will speak with my parents, coaches and/or club director to find a solution.

Parent Conduct

I pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement for all participants, coaches, other parents and referees while supporting Vegas Warriors VBC:

• I agree to cheer, let the coaches coach, let the referees ref and let the players play.

• I agree to respect the schedules of the coaches and teammates by having my player arrive on time for practices and games and will notify my coach if my player will arrive late or is not able to attend.

• I agree to be a positive role model and will not engage in public displays of anger.
• I will promote good sportsmanship by respecting opposing fans, coaches, participants and referees.

• I agree to respect coaching decisions regarding playing time, position and placement and will refrain from coaching any player including my own.

• I will not approach players or coaches before, during or immediately after games with anything other than support. All questions/concerns regarding players or coaches will be addressed at least one day after the game in an atmosphere conductive to problem solving.

• If I have a concern or question about my player’s status with regard to their team, I will follow the process of resolution described below in order to understand and address a situation:

a. I will encourage my player to ask to speak directly with their coach before or after practice about any concern or                question they have;

b. If the concern is not resolved by speaking with their coach, together with my player, I will request a meeting with the head coach before or after practice. No discussion will take place during practice times, on days of competition or without my player present.

• I will be responsible for paying monies due on the specified dates as outlined by the club. If payments are not made on time, and I have not made further arrangements, I understand that my athlete’s ability to participate in practices and tournaments may be suspended until payments are brought up to date.


Consequences may include removal from practice/games, up to suspension and or removal from Vegas Warriors VBC.