2024 club season ended March 2024

At this time Vegas Warriors VBC 2024 season has been canceled March of 2024. The initial end date for VWVBC 2024 club season was May 15, 2024. The director, Razelle Mokiao, has decided to cut the season 2 months early, due to constant conflicts between coaches and director. We would like to apologize and clear up any misunderstandings at this time. 

According to VWVBC rules, and policies on refunds which states that any fees collected are non-refundable! In some cases refunds may come in a form of credit forward to any VWVBC program training. In special circumstances the director may assert his/her directives to her discretion as she sees fit. Also, at this time all communications to our director has been cut-off in order to prevent any misinformation being relayed. Also, any/and all financial, or club matters regarding VWVBC does NOT concern assistant coaches, some individuals may have forgotten. 

Why was the season cut two months short? 

-Long story short, here's why I, director of VWVBC made that decision to cut the season short. During a reassessment of coach fee negotiations that was requested by both coaches, an incident occurred where Cheryl Evans took it upon herself to post via Teamapp to parents and players, "that Shalanty and herself were trying to come to an agreement with coach fees with Razelle (me) but she is not complying". I would like to also include, that the original Coach fees was issued and projected by Shalanty Kamanu. She stated that there was more monies left over from last season 2023, that they were not made aware of.  It was entitlement such as these incidents, that made me confused as to who the director or owner was. They were not part owners of VWVBC because they did not want to attach their names to the business. I went along with what they wanted at that time, because I did majority of the actual work and assumed that these individuals believed in me as I did for myself. After a series of constant back and forth arguments amongst the coaches and director, from snake like behaviors on their part and entitlement, I finally had enough. I replied to Cheryl's post canceling the season. Below are a few details of how everything played out in my experience ⬇️. 

I began to notice a few things at the ending of 2022-2023 club season that I did not like. From negative comments being made about players, jealousy from coaches regarding some players being praised while others weren't, from coaches acting like the owner of VWVBC and many more. I also felt that both Cheryl and Shalanty was holding back the club from doing bigger tournaments. We've done the same tournaments for the past 2 seasons and when I mentioned a change, we would argue that most of the girls can't afford it, but I believed there were other reasons. In most cases, when coaches discussed tournaments, it would be two out of three of us coaches who would agree on certain tournaments leaving me, a.k.a the director, out. I will admit that I withhold paying for certain tournaments in order to force these coaches into looking into other tournaments. And if I might add, the tournaments we participated in, were in most ways chosen, to fit a certain "someone's" family schedule. Here's my perception of both coaches, Cheryl is Shalanty's yes person. For example, Shalanty could say the sky is red and Cheryl would say "yeah, I can see that." Cheryl also lacks in leadership and a lot of times misinterprets situations, but both Shalanty and I would let Cheryl do her, because she did a lot of the things we didn't want to do.  So you can see why I never mentioned that I wanted to put aside monies to save up for a gym. Although the gym is looking possible now, presently speaking, it's just stressful thinking about how slowly this club progressed all those years with them. I mean, some call it greed, I call it being ambitious. However, now these coaches, who will no longer be apart of this organization is saying that I stole monies from the parents and they deserve justice. But here's the reality, the club ended in March, there was only 2 months left of the season. I also did not write the rules and policies of VWVBC that clearly states how refunds work. 

Another crucial reason why I ended the season early was because coaches made partial and unfair calls constantly. In an Arizona 3 day tournament, on the last day, during our last tournament, our team was getting destroyed. Our defense was lacking and the girls seemed to be overwhelmed. During this last game, my OH2 wasn't performing too well in the backrow. I mentioned that we need to take this player out to my assistant coach. This coach, who was also the mother of this player, stated that we needed to leave her in because we needed the backrow hits. I mentioned that she's lacking in defense right now and needs to be subbed. This Coach than proceeded to attack my OH player, who was also my daughter, stating that my daughter hits in the net majority of the time. After hearing this comment, I asked her if she was being emotional, and if she's seeing this in a coaches point of view or as a mom? but she didn't answer. As we sat in silence, I proceeded to allow her child to stay in the game. Unfortunately, because I went according to my coaches emotions this player missed 6 serve receive passes in a row costing us the game. I could go on with examples, but it doesn't matter at this time as the season is done. After that tournament in December, I knew I needed to make a change within the group. There were times after that tournament that I recall making up a few stories just to not be in the same room with them. I also suggested to both coaches that I'll hand them over the teams on Henderson part of town where they'll be able to collect all player fees and any additional coach fees they were asking for, while I move on to the north side of Vegas and start another team there. But they refused because they stated that the director should be the only person collecting fees and that I should be coaching. At that moment, I honestly felt the desperation, and I knew that they did NOT want to let me out of their grasp of using me, and holding me back. Both of their children were not paying tuition fees, and the fact that VWVBC began to turn a lot of heads and build up such a big following, of course they didn't want to lose out. 

In conclusion, my only regret was ruining the players season, and not being straightforward with my intentions regarding the removal of my 2 assistant coaches. Although I understand now, that I could have gone about things another way, I can't look back no more, I am happy and finally relieved at this time. Of course I expected backlash from parents and coaches. However, being someone who is too nice and allows others to walk over me, I have a habit of saying yes to people. I was later advised to stop all communications with parents, players and coaches in order to prevent myself from relaying any misinformation, false hope or put myself in a position that would take me out of character. I never expected that a coach would take it upon herself to demonize me via social media. I realized that this person may be in a place of denial and anger, which is completely understandable. However, at this time, legal actions will be taken against Cheryl Evans. Had she mentioned just my name and whatever details she deemed appropriate for her story, I would have been fine with that. Everyone has a right to their opinions and I completely respect that, until a certain degree. The obsession that she has with me is really unfortunate and it's mentally unhealthy for her. I hope she finds the help she needs to move on.This will be the last and only comment I make regarding the situation within my club. I apoloyfor the inconvenience and stress it caused Players and Parents.